Monday, March 21, 2011

First day of Spring - if only sun would come out

Walk in the park with Mommy...

Who let the bunny out?

My friend Annette let me play with her bunny this last Saturday. The bunny was so cute. I want to take him home. One of these days my parents will get me a cute little dog. (hope Daddy agrees with this Mommy/Me idea)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Did I say I was a big time walker? oH YEAH baby!!

Last bath fun before tubes were put in

Yes, I had to get ear tubes. No worries, it didn't hurt at all. Here are some photos of me taking my last bath, at least for now, without ear plugs and parents worrying about me getting water in my ears. So much Fun!!

New ride!

My cousin Nikola and aunt Beta and uncle Zova got me this cool ride for my b-day. I have been enjoying these rides with my parents and Smiki daily. I even know when to press the horn, so you better watch out!

my new BFF! :)


I had a blast!! It was nice to see all my friends and family all gathered together. Love you all!! Thanks for all the great gifts and most of all for coming and making this a special day for me and my parents. Enjoy the pics. More to come as well as soon as we get them from our photographer. :)

and we are back... :)~

I know, I know... It's been awhile but I haven't forgotten anyone. Sorry to my friends and family for not posting anything here for about three months or more. Mom got a new job and focused on that or we could say I fired her. But, she is now back, working again for me. She bought a new photo camera and I am loving all the attention and photo shoots. Here are some pictures from our today's walk around our neighborhood. Enjoy!

P.S. I am now ONE year old. Pictures of my fabulous party coming soon. Kisses!!